From Monks to Mommas: The Chaste Tree Story

From Monks to Mommas: The Chaste Tree Story

The chaste tree (also called vitex, monk's pepper, and other names) is a shrub from the Mediterranean region. Its dried berries have been used for centuries as a natural remedy. Chaste tree berries have historically been associated with promoting chastity and lowering libido. The name itself derives from the ancient practice of monks chewing the berries to help them remain celibate and "chaste"!

While that particular use may seem antiquated today, the berries' ability to influence hormones makes them a valuable herb for a variety of female reproductive conditions. Nowadays, it is often referred to as the "woman's herb", because it a herbal go-to for dealing with:

  • Regulating menstrual cycles and easing PMS
  • Relieving breast pain and tenderness
  • Managing menopausal hot flashes and mood swings
  • Supporting fertility and reproductive health

The berries are thought to help normalize levels of key reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone. While more research is still needed, studies suggest chaste tree may achieve this by binding to and affecting estrogen receptors.

The potential benefits of this versatile plant don't stop at hormones. Studies show that Chaste tree berries and extracts may have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and insect-repelling properties that lend themselves to other interesting applications:

  • Haircare - Infusions can help treat head lice and repel biting insects
  • Skincare - May help fight acne and hormonal skin inflammation
  • Aromatherapy - Supports hormone balance and mood in horses
  • Culinary - The peppery berries can substitute for black pepper in recipes
  • Bug Spray - Extracts make an effective natural insect repellent

Between keeping your hormones harmonised to shooing away mosquitoes, these little berries are a true multi-tasker in the plant world.

While generally safe, pregnant or nursing women, individuals on prescription medications, and those with hormone-sensitive cancers should exercise caution and seek medical advice before incorporating this supplement into their regimen.

Chaste Tree Berry & Rose Petal Tea

Aromatic Chaste Tree Berry and Rose Petal Tea


1 T crushed chaste tree berries

1 T rose petals

1 tsp dried hibiscus flowers

1 tsp crushed star anise

cinnamon stick

1 tsp honey (to taste)


Steep all the herbs and spices for 10 minutes in 4 cups of boiled water, add the honey and enjoy hot or cold.

Chaste Tree Berry Tincture

Chaste Berry Tincture

Tinctures are the most used herbal extracts and take a little longer than those made with oil, water or vinegar. (They are also the most concentrated, so use with care.)

Tinctures are very stable and will last a long time when stored correctly. Alcohol is a self-preserving system so no preservative is needed.


1 sealable glass jar

1 sealable bottle


Dried Chaste Tree berries

Food-grade alcohol of at least 40% strength (e.g. vodka)


Finely chop or crush the berries and fill the jar ¼ - ⅓ with the berries and then fill up to the top with alcohol.

Tightly seal the jar and store it in a cool, dark place. Shake it up daily and ensure the alcohol level is at the top. Top us as needed.

Let sit for 6 - 8 weeks.

Filter out the berries with a funnel and cotton filter. Then pour the extraction through the filter-funnel setup into a bottle. Seal and then store in a cool cupboard.

Please consult your medical advisor for dilution recommendations.