3 Steps to a Healthy Scalp

3 Step Scalp Loving Solutions


With so much emphasis on hair products, we often forget about the skin underneath, our scalp. Often our scalps are neglected and left to build up residues or display unhealthy signs of flaking dry skin or being excessively oily. This in turn affects the hair’s appearance. If your hair is brittle, dry, oily or has excess residue, it could be a sign of an unhealthy or neglected scalp. The roots and follicles of hair soak up whatever is on your scalp and carry it up the hair shaft. So healthy scalp equals healthy looking hair!

Just as we cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise our skin and faces, so we should be doing the same for our scalps. But there is no need for expensive and chemical laden products; try out some of our easy natural scalp treatments below.


Step 1: Cleansing the Natural Way

Remember to always use a gentle and natural shampoo. You don’t want to be completely stripping your scalp and hair of their natural oils or your scalp will try to compensate by producing excess oil. And don’t worry about using oils on your hair and scalp. Just like adding a good oil to your skin (even if it's oily) can help reduce oil production and skin problems, so adding oils to your scalp can do the same. For natural shampoo recipes, have a look at the Shampoo Making 101 blog or try out shampoo bars.

Our hair and scalp is naturally slightly acidic, having a pH of between 4.5 and 5.5, so rinsing or conditioning your hair and scalp post-wash with an acidic apple cider vinegar or a lemon oil rinse is perfectly acceptable and should actually help in maintain good conditioning.


You can also tone your scalp with a simple witch hazel or herbal toner such as neem.

Witch Hazel Scalp Toner

50% witch hazel

50% water

Mix together and rinse your hair and massage your scalp well.


Neem Scalp Toner

Brew dried neem leaves in hot water, and steep until cool. Then rinse your hair and scalp with the liquid, massaging your scalp well.

Neem is amazingly good for toning hair, scalp and skin, promoting hair growth and fighting bacterial and fungal infections. You can try adding it to your homemade shampoo bars too!


Step 2: Exfoliate with Scalp Scrubs

Like body scrubs, scalp scrubs can exfoliate your scalp, removing residue, dry and dead skin cells, improving circulation and leaving your scalp healthier. Improved circulation in the scalp can lead to better hair growth. Additionally, removing excess oil and dead cells that clog up hair follicles allows them to improve hair growth.


Aloe and Lemon Salty Scalp Scrub

2 T sea salt or Himalayan salt

1 tsp lemon Juice

½ tsp aloe vera gel

1 tsp olive oil or argan oil

Mix together and gently exfoliate your scalp by applying to hair partings and working from there in circular motions. Wash out with a gentle shampoo.


Sugar Scalp Scrub

2 T brown sugar

Essential oil - try rosemary, lavender, tea treepeppermint or any of the blends from the dry scalp treatment recipe below.

1 tsp honey

1 tsp argan oil , jojoba oil or another carrier oil of your choice

Blend together and massage into your scalp in circular motions.


Step 3: Moisturise and Condition with Scalp Conditioning Treatments

Treat your scalp to some essential oils 2 to 3 nights a week. Add a few drops to jojoba oil or argan oil and use a pipette to target your scalp. You can leave in overnight then wash out in your morning shower. Refer to the essential oils for scalp list below:

Dandruff - bay, lavender, rosemary, bergamot, cedarwood

Congested and dull skin - geranium, lavender, grapefruit

Dermatitis/eczema - chamomile, helichrysum, lavender, palmarosa, benzoin, patchouli, sandalwood

Dry and sensitive skin -neroli, rose, chamomile, sandalwood, geranium

Oily scalp - bergamot, geranium, lavender, sandalwood, tea tree, cedarwood

Psoriasis - chamomile, lavender, cajeput, bergamot, sandalwood


If you have a dry or flaky scalp, or just want to keep your scalp in tip-top condition, try one of following conditioning blends or choose your own from the list above:


Dry Scalp Treatment Oil

1 T carrier oil such as argan oil or jojoba oil

8 drops essential oil

  • Blend for dry, itchy scalp

2 drops rosemary

2 drops lavender

2 drops tea tree

2 drops cedarwood

  • Blend for dry scalp with flaking

4 drops lemon

2 drops lavender

2 drops peppermint

  • Powerful anti-fungal blend

4 drops tea tree

2 drops lavender

1 drop geranium

1 drop patchouli


Blend together, massage into your scalp and leave in for 15 minutes. You can keep the blend in a pipette jar and use the pipette to target your scalp for easier application. Then wash out with a gentle shampoo.


Remember that stress, hormones, hydration and diet can also impact how your scalp behaves. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients and eating healthily.

You can also use a moisturising hair mask and massage it into your scalp - we will cover hair masks and butters in a separate blog.