Mongongo Seed Oil: A South African Heritage Treasure for Natural Beauty

Mongongo Seed Oil: A South African Heritage Treasure for Natural Beauty

As we celebrated Heritage Day in South Africa last month, it's the perfect time to explore one of our country's hidden gems: Mongongo Seed Oil. This remarkable oil, deeply rooted in our African heritage, offers a wealth of benefits for both nutrition and natural skincare.

The Rich Heritage of Mongongo Oil

Mongongo Oil, also known as Manketti oil, comes from the nuts of the Mongongo tree (Schinziophyton rautanenii). This tree is native to southern Africa and is found exclusively on the Kalahari sands, stretching from Namibia through Angola and into western Zambia. For centuries, indigenous communities have treasured the Mongongo nut for its nutritional value and versatile oil.

Nutritional and Cosmetic Benefits

Mongongo Oil is high in nutrients that make it wonderful for skin and hair care:

  1. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid (omega-6)
  2. High in vitamin E and other antioxidants
  3. Natural UV-absorbing properties
  4. Anti-inflammatory

These properties make Mongongo Oil excellent for:

  • Moisturising dry skin and hair
  • Fighting signs of aging
  • Providing some natural sun protection (though not a replacement for sunscreen)
  • Potentially helping with eczema and atopic skin conditions

DIY Beauty Formulations with Mongongo Oil

Ready to incorporate this gift from Africa into your beauty routine? Here are some easy DIY recipes to try:

1. Mongongo Nourishing Face Oil

Mix ingredients in a dark glass bottle. Apply a few drops to clean, damp skin at night.

2. DIY Moisturising Body Butter

Melt shea butter, mix in Mongongo seed oil and essential oil. Allow to cool and whip until fluffy.

3. Mongongo Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

Mix ingredients, apply to hair, leave for 30 minutes, then shampoo as usual.

4. Mongongo Basic Sun Protection Cream


Phase A:

81% Mongongo Oil

5% Shea butter

5% Red raspberry seed oil

3.00% Candelilla wax

Phase B:

1.50% Vitamin E Oil

1.50% Carrot seed essential oil

3% Zinc Oxide Powder – Non-Nano


In a double boiler, combine Mongongo oil, shea butter, red raspberry seed oil, and candelilla wax.

Heat gently until the wax is fully melted and the mixture is uniform. Stir occasionally to ensure even melting.

Monitor the temperature, ensuring it does not exceed 70°C to preserve the properties of the oils.

Once fully melted, remove the bowl from the heat. Allow the mixture to cool slightly (around 60°C).

Stir in the vitamin E oil and carrot seed essential oil.

Slowly incorporate the zinc oxide powder into the mixture while stirring continuously. This ensures even distribution and helps prevent clumping.

Continue to stir the mixture until all ingredients are well combined. You can use a small
whisk or an immersion blender for a smoother consistency, if desired.

While the mixture is still pourable, transfer it into clean, sterilised containers or jars. Leave a small amount of space at the top to allow for expansion if stored
in warmer conditions.

Let the balm cool and solidify at room temperature. This may take a few hours. Store
the balm in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

To use, apply a small amount of the balm to exposed skin before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours or after swimming, sweating, or towel drying.

Preserving Our Heritage and Ecosystem

…and the benefits are not just nutritional and cosmetic! Sustainable harvesting practices ensure that we can continue to enjoy these natural treasures while supporting local communities.

By choosing ethically sourced Mongongo Seed oil, you're not only caring for your skin but also supporting the livelihoods of local people and helping to preserve our rich natural heritage.

As we embrace Heritage Month, why not celebrate by incorporating a bit of South African natural beauty into your skincare routine? Mongongo oil offers a perfect blend of traditional wisdom and modern beauty benefits. By using this remarkable oil, we can nourish our skin, support local communities, and honour the rich biodiversity of our ‘lekker’ country.

Jan Askew

Nature Lover, DIY Skincare Guru-wannabe, and Eco-Coffee Aficionado. As a co-founder of Essentially Natural, she’s passionate about crafting eco-friendly recipes and making natural living fun.

Whether it’s creating skincare from pantry staples or brewing up sustainable solutions, Janet’s all about keeping it green, simple, and accessible. You’ll find her in the garden or cuddling her cats when she's not experimenting with essential oils!