Hot Oil Treatments For Hair & Hair Growth

Hot Oil Treatments For Hair & Hair Growth


Hot oil treatments may be seen as somewhat old school, but we’re bringing them back for all the fabulous benefits! Whether you are aiming to tame frizzy hair, protect and repair damaged and dry hair, give a deep moisturising treatment or promote new hair growth from loss and thinning, hot oil treatments can do it all. There's nothing quite so effective as applying a solution directly to the root (pun intended) cause, in this case, conditioning oils to hair and scalp.

Since many people struggle with hair loss and hair thinning, I thought I would share a natural solution that works. I’ve always had long but relatively thin hair, especially around my forehead area, so I personally tested out a hot oil remedy and found that it actually worked, seeing results after about three applications. The key for this treatment, like the key for any big change in life, is consistency. You need to apply this once a week minimum, every week. Why specifically hot oil, you may ask? Heating the oil makes it easier to work with, and helps it soak into the hair strands, follicles and scalp better. The heat on your scalp also helps stimulate circulation, encouraging new growth.

Hot oil treatments can be somewhat messy, so get yourself a large bottle with a pipette applicator to make things easier. Have a look at these options. You will also need a towel around your shoulders to protect your clothes. Pick a day once a week where you don't need to go out for an hour or two, and let that be your hair treatment day.


Oil Options According To Hair Type & Needs

Finer hair: go for lightweight oils such as almond, jojoba, argan and walnut.

For thicker or frizzy hair go for richer, more heavy oils such as coconut, castor and olive oil.


Jojoba oil, actually not a true oil but rather a plant wax, is an ideal option in a hair oil blend. It is regarded as the oil closest in nature to that of our natural oil and sebum production. It is a moisturising and softening oil, and perfect for any hair type.

Argan oil is famed as a hair oil for its natural conditioning properties. I highly recommend you add this oil to your treatment blend.

Castor oil is great for promoting hair growth. If hair growth is your goal, then definitely add in castor oil to your blend, no matter your hair type! It also promotes strength and shine.

Coconut oil is good for extremely dry hair, and helps with moisture and hydration. It can also help in styling and keeping natural hair in order.

Avocado oil is rich in nutrients and also promotes hair growth. It is a deep conditioner, containing vitamins A and E and fatty acids.

Grapeseed oil is another excellent hair conditioning oil. It is packed with vitamin E, omega 6 and antioxidants.

Walnut oil is a lightweight and moisturising oil, ideal for finer hair.


Customising With Essential Oils & Botanicals

The easiest way to customise your hot oil treatment is with essential oils. Essential oils for hair include rosemary, lemongrass, cedarwood. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to your oil blend. Not only will your hair smell good, but it will reap the benefits too.

But did you know you can also infuse your chosen oils with botanicals to add a multitude of additional benefits to your pamper session? Here is a guide to the botanicals that are best for hair and scalp:

Hair growth: peppermint, horsetail, nettle

Strengthening: nettle, horsetail

Creating volume: horsetail and marshmallow

Moisturise: calendula, chamomile, lavender, aloe

Gentle clarifying action: rosemary, sage

To enhance hair colour: hibiscus (redheads), nettle (brunette), black tea (brunette), rosemary (brunette), chamomile (blonde),  calendula (blonde).


Make Your Hot Oil Treatment Blend

To make your oil treatment, pick out two or more oils of your choice, and a pipette bottle to mix in. Here is an example of a simple hot oil blend for encouraging growth that I made:


100ml pipette bottle

Fill the bottle ⅓ up with castor oil

¼ up with argan oil

¼ up with grapeseed oil

15 drops rosemary

Mix all the oils together by shaking the bottle. Heat up and apply weekly.


If you want an infused hot oil treatment, you will need to have pot and a coffee filter or other filter on hand. Add your chosen oils and botanicals to the pot and set it on a very low heat. This will need to go for several hours, then you can remove from the heat and leave to steep overnight. Once you are satisfied with the strength of your oil infusion, strain out the botanicals and use your oil treatment as normal.


How To Apply

Drape a towel around your shoulders and make sure your hair is free of any knots and clean. Heat up your oil treatment by setting the bottle in a basin of hot water, or microwaving it for a few seconds until hot (but not too hot that it scalds your skin). Apply your hot oil treatment to clean dry or damp hair. Partition your hair and apply the oil section by section with a pipette, then massage in for a few minutes on each section. If your goal is hair growth, target your scalp and roots only. If you rather need to moisturise dry hair, then take some oil in your palms and run through your hair to lightly coat the strands. Or if you have dry, frizzy ends, focus on that area. Leave in for at least 20 minutes, covering with a shower cap or wrapping up in a towel if necessary. I leave mine in for a couple of hours while I read on the weekend. Then wash out thoroughly. I find using some conditioner first to remove the oil from my hair is highly effective, then I follow up with shampoo. Make sure to apply your hot oil treatment at least once a week to see results!


Hot oil treatments, an old-school solution that is just as effective as ever! Yet another excuse to give your hair and scalp the pampering it deserves.