It is our great privilege to introduce you to Elizabeth Maans from Lizzie's Soup Kitchen.
When we first met Lizzie, she was part of the incredible Mosselbank Riverbank Conservation Team (MRCT), a group dedicated to rehabilitating and safeguarding the fragile wetland area bordering Fisantekraal and one of our past outreach partners. Fast-forward to a few years later, and it seems Lizzie's ambition knows no end!
She remains an active member of the of the MRCT and has since opened her heart and home to her community: Not only does Lizzie run a soup kitchen that feeds hundreds of people multiple times a week, she is also a dedicated foster mother to three young children. And yet she still manages to be an excellent, loving parent to her own two kids, too!
We cannot imagine someone more deserving of a well-functioning and beautiful kitchen! However, there was a lot of work to be done, pieces to fall into place and miracles to happen before this dream could become a reality...
While hoping and waiting for those miracles, we did what we could with what we had. And while we waited and worked, a few unexpected miracles crossed our path: Thanks to donations from Pieter Marais of Marais Bouers and Sabre Paints, we were able to paint the interior of Lizzie's home. We purchased a couple of pre-loved bunk beds, and with some much-needed TLC from Wim van Jaarsveld and Johann, they were beautifully renovated and ready for their new home! Thanks to Kevin Allbutt from The Bed Centre, we were able to purchase brand new mattresses for the beds at an excellent price. Johann and Annalize also kindly sponsored a third mattress for the triple bunk bed.
Let me just pause my storytelling here to reflect on the sheer awesomeness of these beds:
A bed may seem like something unimportant to many people, but in Lizzie's home, a bed was a scarce commodity! Before the arrival of these beds, Lizzie's three foster kids shared a bed, her biological children another, and Lizzie, always putting her children's needs above her own, slept on a tiny, thin little mattress on the floor in the living room...
Finally, the biggest miracle of all -- the long-awaited realisation of the kitchen! Our heartfelt thanks to Suzanne for the donation of the cupboards, David Goode and his team for going above and beyond with the removal of the cupboards, and Alex from The Modest Toolbox for the installation. Last but not least, our immense thanks to the Kellys for their gift that keep on giving - we have been dreaming about this project for a long time!
To Lizzie, who gives so much to her community, we hope this kitchen brings as much joy as she spreads every day.
As you tuck into your warm bed tonight, take a moment to reflect on the simple comforts we often overlook... And the incredible difference a little kindness can make.

Alex gives Lizzy's doors a funky, fresh coat of paint as the kids watch on in awe.

Kitchen installation day!!!

Please consider donating towards our valuable work:
The One Percent Movement
FNB 62924632749 (Gold Business)
Branch: 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
If you would like more information on our current projects or want to get involved, please contact Juanita Berry:
073 274 1915