Ingredient: Chaste Tree Berries

Chaste Tree Berries InfoInsight


Other Name(s)

Vitex agnus-castus L. Family: Verbenaceae

chasteberry, cloister pepper, hemp tree, monk's pepper, vitex

Did you know?

The medicinal parts are the dried fruit and leaves. The shrub is native to the Mediterranean and western Asia.


From ancient Greece, the herb has a long history of being associated with balancing hormones. As the name implies, it is said to lower the sex drive in people who wish to stay chaste! Monks chewed the berries to help them stay pure, hence the moniker “monk’s pepper”. Vitex agnus-castus is a popular herbal supplement mainly used to treat female reproductive conditions such and breastfeeding pain or mastalgia.

Toiletries and cosmetic

  • Chaste Tree extract has proven to be highly effective as a repellent against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and biting flies.
  • A Chaste Tree infusion sprayed liberally onto the hair and left on for 2-3 hours is believed to kill head lice and larvae.
  • It is popular in the treatment of acne and hormonal skin inflammation.


  • Chaste tree has been used as a herbal tea or tincture to treat menstrual cycle problems and pain, premenstrual syndrome, and menopause. Chaste tree berries may help stimulate progesterone.
  • It may help normalise estrogen and progesterone levels.
  • It has been found to be useful in regulating mensturation and thereby assisting with falling pregnant.
  • Chaste tree is claimed to help treat painful breasts (mastodynia). In European herbalism and medicine, vitex extracts are used for uterine fibroid cysts. They help boost breastmilk supply in new mothers.


Used to support mood balance and hormone health in horses.


Chaste berries are aromatic, have a peppery taste and can be used as a substitute for pepper. It is used in many Middle Eastern spice mixtures.

Remedies and formulations

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Studies have shown that the Chaste Tree may have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, but more research is required. The major constituents in V. agnus-castus are flavonoids, essential oils, diterpenes, and glycosides. The flavonoids (casticin, quercetagetin, and isovitexin) have been shown in vitro to affect oestrogen receptors.


Dried Chaste Tree Berries is certified Vegan and Food Grade.

This product is certified: Vegan and Food Grade.

INCI: Vitex Agnus-castus



  • Pregnant and nursing women and those taking prescription drugs are advised to consult a medical professional before using castor oil.
  • Chaste tree has no known serious side effects.
  • Mild side effects can include nausea, stomach issues, diarrhea, and itchy rash.
  • Safety for small children has not been established.
  • This supplement is not recommended for people with hormone-sensitive cancer.
  • Chaste Tree may interact with antipsychotic medications, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy. Please consult your medical practitioner before using.



    1. University of Rochester Medical Center
    2. PubMed: Vitex agnus-castus and Female Reproductive Health
    3. Thieme E-Journals: Vitex agnus-castus in Women's Health
    4. PubMed: Chaste Tree and Menstrual Disorders
    5. PubMed: Vitex agnus-castus and Hormonal Health
    6. Karger: Vitex agnus-castus in Herbalism