Youth Day collaboration: Greening Fisantekraal Primary's playground

The future success of community development lies rooted in collaboration. This key fact was evident on Youth Day at Fisantekraal Primary School.

It all started in January, when The One Percent Movement identified various areas where the brand new school could benefit from support. First, in partnership with Pen Café in Durbanville, stationery was supplied for all 150 grade one pupils.

The dream was then born of an interactive, beautiful playground and sensory garden that will stimulate young minds and create a safe, fun wonderland. This included a much-needed food garden which would benefit both the learners and the surrounding community.

The need for collaboration became apparent. Soon, various organisations in Fisantekraal banded together to start realising this dream: On 16 June, under the direction of Barbara Clarke from Mercy Aids, The One Percent Movement, The Mosselbank Conservation Team, Resilient Kids, the Community Watch, the brand new Lions Club, teachers from Fisantekraal Primary and many excited kids and parents from the surrounding area and beyond, came together to give heart and soul to the greening of the school’s playground. “We were blown away by the support we got on the day from different sponsors”, says Kay Lorentz, Director of Resilient Kids.

“Working together is key to guide children in eco awareness and food sovereignty”, reported Danielle Cronje from The Mosselbank Conversation Team, as she thanked the Community Kitchen ladies for cooking a hearty meal for the children on the day.

Mrs Loggenberg, the principal of the school, showed great appreciation for how things came together. She praised Isabel Steenkamp, the head of Grade One, for her avid support of the various organisations that offered their aid on the day.

What a beautiful day it was, proving that we get more done when we work together – strength in unity!

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Juanita and Johannes (one of our regular superstar helpers!) offloading compost at the school.

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Left: Delicious, hearty soup, prepared by the most wonderful ladies. Right: Barbara, the project manager for the day, addressing the excited crowd.

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Exploding with eagerness and a willingness to help... Planting the veggie boxes!

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The kids had a smashing time painting these pretty planks, featuring words to encourage both the food garden and each other to grow, be happy, thrive!

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Painting fun "dustbin monsters" with sensational volunteers from the Essentially Natural team.

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Truly a team effort!