Fisantekraal Primary School Principal's office refurbishment

A good leader is someone that can uplift, inspire and jump in to do the hard work, motivating a group of people to remain focussed on their goal. Fisantekraal Primary School has got just such a person in their principal, Mrs Loggenberg.

She became the principal of Fisantekraal Primary in January 2022, and has since lead with a strong vision for the future, great compassion and care for the children, the surrounding community and the wonderful teachers that work alongside her.

The role of Principal in any school certainly comes with a vast array of challenges. But to step up to these challenges in a community with the socio and economic issues of Fisantekraal, is truly a feat to behold!

Earlier this year, we refurbished the Fisantekraal Primary’s staff room. The feedback was glowing! A lot can be said about the impact that a positive, inviting, calming and functional workplace has on on ones mental wellbeing and work performance!

Similar to the old staff room (before we worked our magic!), Mrs Loggenberg’s office was not nearly as functional as it ought to have been. Since the school does not have proper storage space, Mrs Loggenberg unfortunately had to sacrifice a large portion of her office to house supplies.

Luckily, Alex from The Modest Toolbox, came to our rescue (as he usually does!) with a brilliant, cost-effective solution: creating a storeroom hidden behind a pretty focus wall!

We then separated the remainder of the space into two parts: a much-needed conference room and an office-cum-meeting area, with a large, L-shaped desk for Mrs Loggenberg and some welcoming seating where she can meet with parents.

The project surpassed our expectations, with amazing donations from Experian, Llewellyn from LW Ceilings and the Fick family. Thank you!!!

Finally, Mrs Loggenberg has a functional space where she can feel calm and productive, all while motivating the change that she so clearly envisages for Fisantekraal Primary.

And how was the new and improved spaced received? “Now every morning when I wake up, I can’t wait to come to work!” Gushes Mrs Loggenberg.

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Adding this dividing "wall" made the most remarkable difference to the space!

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It's incredible what a piece of pretty cloth can do for an old pin board. Mrs Loggenberg has tokens of thanks, like this cute little succulent, scattered all around her office - proof that she is much loved and respected!

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Parents and colleagues feel safe and welcome in this charming meeting area.

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The touches of pallet wood are similar to what we used in the staff room. Repeating this makes for a cohesive, well thought out design.

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Please consider donating towards our valuable work:

The One Percent Movement
FNB 62924632749 (Gold Business)
Branch: 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

If you would like more information on our current projects or want to get involved, please contact Juanita Berry:
073 274 1915